The mission of the Reelin and Rockin Dance Team is to work together to perform hi-tempo line dances to early rock and roll and country rock music. By practicing the steps and moves we hope to perfect a style enhanced form of each dance we do.
The goal is to perform these dances on the village squares for our enjoyment and the enjoyment of the audience.
Team Dances
Tap room boogie
Hot Tamales
Holding back the Ocean
Islands in the stream
Whats on the menu
Goody Goody
Skinny Dippin
Madhouse to the max
Alligator walk
Runaround Sue
Viva Las Vegas
Good golly miss mollie
Team Practice
The team gets together to work on the dances:
classes cancelled for the summer
How do I become a member of the Team?
To become a member of the Dance team you must be able to demonstrate that you can perform most of the dances that we do, with simliar style and moves. That usually means practicing the dances and moves at home and with the dance team on a regular basis.